Setting realistic goals for the New Year

Oh hey January. Or what I like to call…holiday hangover month. I am not sure if I am more mentally or physically tired from all of the “too many’s.” Too many Christmas parties, too many holiday drinks, too many late nights and early mornings. Instead of taking this behavior and having regrets and thinking my mistakes make me who I am today, I actually do the exact opposite. I have no regrets. I loved every late night and fancy cocktail I consumed. It was a stream of holidays to remember. Now I get excited about how I can transform my body back to what I crave for it to be. A body that can run up the stairs without losing a breath. A body that enjoys the pull of every muscle as I lift my children easily in the air. A body that just feels good.

My goal of this blog is to transform HOW people view health. I want you to see that your body functions a certain way, so you need to focus on that instead of the numbers on the scale. If you would like to make goals for the New Year, this is what I recommend. Don’t aim for a certain amount of weight or inches to lose. That is not realistic or maintainable, and it does not teach you how to live a healthy life. Instead, make goals of ways you can be healthy every single day. Get excited about taking care of yourself. Don’t set standards and goals that are not maintainable.  For example, this is how I live a life of health in the New Year:

  1. Move your body as often as you can…between 2-4 times a week. Keep a small range of numbers. If you start out high, it leads you to feel constant regret and defeat when you don’t reach that number. That will not encourage you to keep this positive behavior going. This is about maintaining. Also, find things you enjoy. Walk, run, hike, partake in a workout class. But don’t allow yourself to skip it too often.  If you do it once, you will do it again, and continue to rationalize it until that number returns to zero times a week. Make it a part of your normal life. You need to build muscle, bone, and get your heart and lungs working. Also, don’t worry if you are terrible running up that hill or fall over in yoga class…the point is not to be perfect. The point is to challenge yourself.  And you are not there to impress anyone but yourself…especially not that girl in the expensive work out gear.
  2. Once you start routinely working out, you will find that those processed, “artificial” foods will not be as satisfying. Foods are fuel, and if you provide your body with the right nutrition, your body will take it, utilize it as it should, and only make you feel better. If you work out, and then eat processed, nutrition-lacking foods, you will feel heavy and worn down, like your work out was cancelled out by your body struggling to rebuild with nothing. I prefer oatmeal with hemp, chia, and almond butter. Sandwiches piled high with avocado, tomato, greens, and possibly an egg. Within 30 minutes of exercise, I drink protein mixed with amazing grass powder. It boosts metabolism and satisfies me until my next meal. I do not consider calories. I choose nutrition packed foods that fill me up, and never weigh me down.
  3. Become best friends with your water bottle. I recommend buying a water bottle you love. One that you will proudly carry as an accessory. It is now a part of your life.  Water is the basis to basically every bodily function, and helps you remove wastes and toxins. Drink…drink…drink. If you don’t like water, you should probably recognize that as an issue, because you have messed up a natural human need. I actually keep reusable water bottles in the fridge for me and my children.  That way I can just grab it for them and me as we walk out the door. Make it easy on yourself. No excuses.
  4. Focus on gaining muscle, and not on losing weight. I really despise the words “fat” and “skinny.”  What does that even represent?  I know people that are skinny and are incredibly unhealthy and out of shape.  I know people on the heavier side that are constantly working out and eating right. To me, weight depicts very little. Therefore, I encourage people to start looking at their body to find muscle, not fat. Enjoy getting stronger, therefore getting healthier every day. Find a work out that makes you want to go home and flex in the mirror. Once you work on making your body strong, your mind and heart will follow.
  5. Don’t diet. Don’t overeat. Don’t count calories. I am naturally an incredibly healthy eater. Not because I make myself, but after going through a period of cutting out sugar, diet coke, and all the foods filled with crap…I basically went through a detox. And now, guess how much of that stuff I crave…none of it! If an opportunity comes up to have a cookie or piece of cake, it doesn’t even taste that good to me. I encourage every one to cut the crap, and allow yourself to reset. Once your body learns sugar is out, it will no longer crave it like it once did. You need to get through an ugly period, but it is the best thing you could do for yourself. Then, just love food. Food is awesome, and it should not be a stress. I eat for flavor, for the experience, and to enjoy life. You are supposed to eat…just make sure everything on your plate is REAL.
  6. Finally, feel good about YOU. Is that corny? Is that too broad? Is that even realistic? I am just saying, give yourself a chance. Don’t give up on having a body you feel good in. If you are full of toxins and waste from many days of treating yourself badly, you are not living life to the fullest because you probably don’t feel that great. Start small and start realistically. You cannot change overnight, and don’t feel bad when you don’t. Just want a better life for yourself, and every day get excited that you are getting a little bit closer to a more healthy you. Just be happy you have this awesome body working hard for you every day, and it is yours to take for a ride. Make it a joyful one.

Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong body.


5 Days of Holiday Gifts…Gift 5: Do Good

Gift #5: “Do Good” Tees from Cotopaxi

It seems like this past year is sticking out in people’s minds as a tumultuous one. One marked by some negativity, ill feelings, and some uncertainty. My hope is things will turn, and everyone who choose to focus their energy on the good, and not the bad. Take their uncertainty, and create change. Really, just Do Good each and every day.

Cotopaxi ( is an amazing company because they sell outdoor products, but they equally show a passion for creating change in areas far behind hiking gear…Health (Reducing preventable disease and under 5 mortality rates), Education (Improve primary literacy rates and access to quality education), and Livelihoods (Create opportunity for entrepreneurial training and job skills development). Cotopaxi “creates innovative outdoor products and experiences that fund sustainable poverty alleviation, move people to do good, and inspire adventure.” I love this. I will always buy from these types of companies first. Ones that take a platform and uses it to spread positivity and hope for those who really need it.

The product I love that spreads this message, is their “Do Good.” tees. So simple yet so powerful. They come in baby onesies, kids sizes, as well as men’s and women’s sizes. The material is soft and lightweight, and is available in various colors.

Is wearing this shirt going to change the world? Probably not. But you will be reminding yourself and others that the ability to do good and create change is there. It is inside all of us, and the outside world does not have to dictate that. Make a small impact each and every day, and even if the world doesn’t change…you will.

Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong body.


5 Days of Holiday Gifts…Gift 4: Smelling of Dirt

Gift #4: 100% natural soy wax candles from Rosy Rings

This may be kind of an odd one, but this candle just makes my senses come alive. I was raised as a country girl, but grew into a city girl who loves the outdoors. The smell of this candle instantly brings me back home. It just makes me feel happy. And it smells like dirt…soil…a garden…the Earth. It is called “Tilled Earth,” and it is a candle scent like no other.

This candle is created by a company called Rosy Rings (, is 100% natural soy wax, and hand-poured in Denver, CO. They have other amazing flavors such as Antique Clove, Basil Sweet Orange, Flannel Flower, Honey Tobacco, Moss & Mint, and Tomato Vine. I do not like strong scents or perfume smells, and these candles are are subtle and refreshing compared to most. In fact, they bring me back to a simpler time, when scents like these were compounded by innocence.  When running outside barefoot and carefree allowed me to actually absorb the scents of the world around me.  Maybe one day, the peace of those days will come back to me. Until then, these candles definitely give me hope.

Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong body.


5 Days of Holiday Gifts…Gift 3: Stylish and Charitable

Gift #3: Rising Tide Scarves

When I shop for gifts, I try to keep in mind a few variables…will they actually use it, is it meaningful, and is it a product I believe in. I know what you are thinking…why do you care if you believe in a Christmas gift? I try my best to spend money on companies or people that are ethical, local to the USA (and especially Colorado), products that are more environmentally friendly, and hopefully they are thoughtful in promoting health or the betterment of people. Rising tide is one of those companies.

Rising Tide ( has been around since 1989, when they developed a company based on helping low income artisans from developing countries improve their standards of living. Rising tide then takes their products, and markets them in the United States. They are currently assisting families and workers in northern India with educational, medical, and emergent costs that arise. Nepal is also a main focus, where they have partnered in a project that supplies teacher training, safe drinking water, and building improvements to public schools in rural areas.

One of my favorite products is the Chunky Woven Infinity Scarf. I have given this gift in each and every color, and everyone has loved them. Additionally, I have given this scarf to people of all ages, occupations, and clothing styles, and all have told me over and over how much they wear it. It is soft, warm, and the colors are so vibrant. It really is my go to gift, and if you are close to me, one year you will probably find one beneath your Christmas tree.

With all of the ways the world changes, taking a few minutes to think about the companies and people you are giving your money to, is more important than you may think.  Make your presents count with meaning, with thoughtfulness, and spread love in more ways than one.

Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong body.




5 Days of Holiday Gifts…Gift 2: Protect your largest organ…

Gift #2: Amber Bath Bathing Essentials

I have always had dry skin. I was one of those lucky people who had cracked, bleeding fingers, and was basically in pain during the winter months of the year.  Picking the nursing profession was probably a poor choice in hindsight, but I battled through it with every hand lotion I could find, and even used to sleep in gloves hoping to provide some improvement before my next shift.  Then came pregnancies, breastfeeding, moving to a more arid climate, and my skin took a terrible turn for the worst.  The doctor actually told me my skin was “allergic to pregnancy.” Yep, super sexy.

But this all changed 2 years ago, when I had a chance meeting at Whole Foods with someone who would save me from this life long battle. I met the owner and creator of Amber Bath, a Colorado based product made of pure “therapeutic ingredients,” and nothing but the “best essential oils.” It is made-by-hand in small batches, with 100% natural ingredients. The owner Elizabeth, suggested a few products that would help my (at the time pregnant) ailing skin.

I have recommended these products to so many people, gave them as gifts to teachers, moms, sibling, etc., because it has been the only thing I have ever found to work. The feedback I received has been very positive from everyone, so I am definitely not alone in my belief in this brand.

Although there are many amazing products, I am going to tell you about my two favorite.  The first is called the Shea Shower Frappe. This product is so unique, and I have never found anything like it.  You keep it in the shower, and use it after washing and rinsing (while the warm water is still running), or immediately after turning the water off. This is all due to the fact that the product itself does not contain water, so it uses what is left on your body. The Shea butter is thick, and it becomes smooth as it combines with the water and warmth of your skin.  For me, it absorbs immediately, and my skin doesn’t dry out from those long, hot showers I take in the winter months.  Additionally, due to my laziness, I don’t have to stand and freeze, while I decide whether I should put lotion on, or just get dressed since no one is going to see my skin for the next 6 months anyway; it is done immediately before I can change my mind.

And now to the salves, which are the holy grail of my hand health. These salves, made by Amber Bath, consist of bees wax, cocoa butter, and coconut oil, along with all natural essential oils. Not only does it help your skin, the ingredients provide some aromatherapy as well! Additionally, one of the things I love the most about this salve is the fact that it can be used not only on your hands, but also on elbows, heels, and get this…your lips! So much of my body craves moisture, and I have loved buying one product that can do so much. It is thick in consistency, but for me, it all gets sucked up and absorbed and instantly smooths (in case you were wondering, it is also not too thick for the lips).  By morning, my body feels so much better, and my hands have transformed back to health.  I have had cracked fingers every winter since I can remember, but since I have found this product and use it consistently every night, I have not had a single crack in my skin. Not an exaggeration!

Don’t worry, I am not going to pull a Dr. Oz on you, and recommend every product out there that is said to be a “superfood,” or the “next big thing” in healthy living.  I have been on this journey for roughly 11 years, and I have tried many, many things. I am only going to recommend products that I have extensively used, definitely work, and in relation to how your body functions…things that makes sense.  I am writing this blog because I am super passionate about making peoples’ life better, and making it realistic and achievable by all.  Health is not generational, racial, ageist, or sexist…it is about finding a quality life, and treating yourself well. Keep up the good work.

Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong body.
