Surviving each day, week, month is difficult because there is this thing that is really hard for me…it is called constant responsibility. As a teenager, I spent my days sitting on someone’s dock in a Minnesota lake, with my feet in the cool water, trying to figure out how I was going to spend the rest of my day. Or during really “difficult” times, you could find me driving by someone’s house to see if they were home and as bored as I was. I loved that if there was a mess or some clothes I needed washed…it was miraculously taken care of if I just left it long enough. Fast foward to present day, and that mess cleaner, and boredom inducer of children…is me. Every minute can be filled with other people’s needs if I allow it to be. And if there happens to be a small window of the day that I try to have a few seconds to myself, someone always finds me…
I recently had my first ever girl’s weekend since becoming a mom. It was a weekend filled with zero productivity and instead, pure selfishness…or should I say, self awareness. I did nothing useful with my time, and instead did something that I haven’t done in so long…I took time to think about myself. One important facet of health, is not only eating right and exercising, it is about taking care of your mental and emotional health. This is something that can often be forgotten in our daily lives. We over-work, over-schedule, and “free time” is looking at what other people are doing on social media.
I chose to spend my time away from responsibility by spending a day at the spa, shopping, eating at great restaurants, and drinking far more glasses of champagne than I would like to admit. I spent the weekend not thinking about anything but my happiness. Is that selfish?!? I don’t think so. I think it is a way to slow down and think about how grateful I am for a chance to really LIVE, experience new foods, and most of all, I could really remember that deep down, I was still that same girl with her feet in the lake. I just haven’t had time to think about her in a loooong time.
Another important facet of this trip was the fact that I learned to make my days and weekends of “selfishness,” days to indulge on my health. When people generally use vacations to over eat and make poor choices, I use trips away to find ways to be healthy in new and unique ways…I actually get excited by this. I find restaurants that offer fresh and local ingredients. In fact, there is so much more emphasis on making healthy “fast food,” it has allowed some costs to stay down, and quality ingredients are no longer only found with a huge price tag (Some of my favorites are Modern Market, Larkburger, and Grabbagreen. One tip…if you search out gluten free or vegetarian in a respective city, it will lead you to great places. If they have to pay attention to what is going into their foods, they are generally more conscience overall.) I also look for hikes and exercise classes offered through the places I stay. Staying active and moving your body while in new locations will create some excitement in your work out. Not to mention, food or a cold beer never tastes better than after an amazing workout (Yes. I said beer. Remember, it is about learning to make health fun by creating a happy and positive feeling around it). And in regard to all of those glasses of champagne…I think my laughter and relaxation increased before I even had the first sip.
Health is about doing what is right for your total body. Find joy in creating a life that allows you to be full of energy, having a heart that can help you climb a mountain, and a mind that will be at peace after a weekend spent laughing with a girlfriend. There are no right choices, there is a desire for a better life. Find joy in wanting that for yourself. And don’t forget to pass the champagne…
Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong body.