Hey everyone! I am back! I took the summer off to give my full attention to my girls (and also because I didn’t have a single second to myself, so putting some thoughts together was impossible). But I love to write, and I love the relationships I have made over this journey, so I am so excited to be back. I missed investing these minutes toward something I really love, and people I have grown to care so much about.
When creating this blog (now just over a year ago!), I had a strong purpose in mind. So today, I really wanted to remind everyone why I do this. For the record…I do not make money…I do not get free stuff…and basically the only personal gain I get from this is the excitement I have from interacting with all of you. Not to mention, it is hard to put myself out there sometimes. I am actually a private person, and I really have to step out of my comfort zone to share as much as I do. Not to mention, I often doubt myself, and question why anyone even cares about who I am, or why I do things. I started this journey after going through my own health struggles with Celiac disease, PCOS, infertility, and so on…but also from the experiences I have had as a nurse. My first job at 22 was on a Medical Surgical floor, and most of my patients were nearing the end of life. These were conditions generally not brought on by old age, but rather lifestyle choices. Seeing them in giant diapers and holding on to what little quality of life they had left, it really hit me hard. I just wondered…how did they get this way? Didn’t they see their health deteriorating and get worried? Why didn’t they make changes before they got to this point? Why wouldn’t they want a better life for themselves? It really made me sad to see people who led great lives and had many love ones, suddenly find themselves in this hospital bed, in such a dire state. I eventually realized…they didn’t know any better. They grew up living the only life they knew, and never had the resources or education on health that everyone needs. They grew up like I did. Where fast food was a norm…real foods no longer existed…and life was based around eating a lot of crap food for enjoyment. I came to the realization that we have never really been taught WHY eating healthy and exercising is important. That every single decision may not impact you greatly at that moment, but when those small decisions continue and add up over years, the BIG health conditions eventually come out. With many of these diagnoses, it is hard to erase and start over. Sometimes there are no second chances.
That is how I found myself here, on this small platform. To do what I could to address health in a very simple manner, and for ALL people, no matter you state of health, age, or the amount of resources you have. In a very REALISTIC manner. I was so sick of seeing things on TV or on social media regarding healthy eating and exercise, where the information was full of rules and guidelines, but no one explained WHY we do it. Portion sizes and the superfood of that moment…it all seemed to be aimed at people who are already healthy. There needs to be an INTERNAL motivation, and there needs to be an explanation for why these changes are necessary. If you tell me a bunch of rules and gave me few options or room for personal growth, there is no way I am going to continue those behaviors. They need to make sense for me and my life. I also need to know why these things are good for me in the first place. Therefore, my goal in everything I do is to explain how our bodies work, and why certain things make sense anatomically and scientifically. I would never recommend anything that doesn’t make sense or is not realistic to continue. Our bodies function a certain way, and that is why we should treat it well. It makes sense to eat REAL food, because that is what our body can recognize, utilize, create energy from, and excrete what it doesn’t need. If our bodies are filled with crap and things it can’t identify, then our bodies and organs get taxed, and will eventually shut down. Since our bodies are created in systems that work together as a great “machine” of sorts…once one area gets taxed and starts to fail, others will too. This creates an awful end of life. I want to educate and allow people to recognize that choices today may not impact them now, but they will eventually catch up to you. I want everyone to live a full life, that especially includes the final years.
My posts are created to be positive, realistic, simple, and hopeful. I am not a master of anything, and I feel like I make more mistakes than I do things right. I am not a chef, I don’t take on domesticated duties with a smile on my face, and motherhood is very hard for me. The only thing I do right is my state of mind. I search for the positive in everything I do, and my internal motivation for a great life is very strong. I live this way because I feel so amazing. I remember vividly the many days I felt like crap, and I know that although living this way is a challenge, HEALTH is the best reward anyone could give me. I don’t want to paint a picture that some do on social media…where a perfect life is attainable if you do what they do. There is no perfect life! I just want a better life for you. One that makes you excited to eat better and move your body, because the rest of the day you feel amazing, and LIVE FULLY. You are worth it. You are an amazing person. We are all struggling. We are all imperfect. So just take the life you have, and rock it. Every day matters.
Thanks for sticking around for the last year. I appreciate you, and have loved every minute.
Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong body.