Never stop living, but understand your body may be hurting

One of the most important parts of health, is to understand how your body functions.  As you go through your day, your heart never stops pumping blood throughout your body, your lungs fill that blood with oxygen, your gut is digesting and absorbing nutrients to give you energy, your liver clears the body of harmful substances, and your kidneys are constantly working to remove waste…and so on…With all of this in mind, it is not my belief that you should stop living and enjoying things you love, but to understand that if you treat your body poorly, it may be struggling to fix the damage. You body is amazing, and it works extremely hard to keep you healthy even when you treat it badly.  It is not realistic to make constant sacrifices and miss out on important events which are indulgent (such as all of the upcoming holidays!), therefore just remember to treat your body extra well surrounding these big events, and think about how you can help it recover.

With holiday events and parties comes constant desserts, candies, cocktails, and various other treats. With every piece of candy, dessert, or festive alcoholic beverage, there is going to be a rapid blood sugar spike (and eventual crash), which causes your body to release insulin.  Your body also needs to digest and excrete these unnatural colors, flavors, and substances, which takes work from your gut, liver and kidneys. Once again, I am not saying this to create negativity or guilt when you have one too many candy corn or Christmas cookies, I am explaining that your body may need a little more TLC.  My approach before a night out or a holiday party is to amp up on a few different things, so my body can function at the highest level possible.

  1. Drink lots of water.  Water is the holy grail of your body’s overall functioning.  Basically every part of you needs it and cannot do it’s job without it. It is also essential to continue flushing, detoxing, and excreting toxins. Especially with drinking any type of alcohol. I highly suggest prior to an “unhealthy” day or few hours, push fluids. Then continue to drink water throughout, and of course, following. Your body will need it.
  2. The party is over, and now you hungover in more ways than one.  Whether consuming sugar or alcohol, there will be spikes in blood sugar, and your body is going to go a little crazy. In fact, once you put these things in your body, you will only crave it more. They are both addictive. The following hours or days, your body is going to trick you into thinking you want more. You are going to feel hungover. This is my tip…don’t listen.  Stop treating yourself like crap. It is only instant gratification, and the pleasure goes away pretty quickly.  You have to live with your body forever.
  3. Always load up on healthy foods and probiotics, but especially on the indulgent days. If you have read any of my blogs, your know how much I love the gut.  It is linked to mental health, immunity, life altering health conditions, etc.  If you are consuming foods with little nutrient content, which are basically “fake” and unrecognizable to your body, your gut is going to be struggling to digest, excrete, and remove these types of toxins.  My approach is to load up on fruits and vegetables to make sure things are still able to move along (This is why it is your poop chute; that crap wasn’t meant to sit in there!), and help populate the “good” bugs. Then load up on any type of probiotic foods or supplements, so that when those unknown substances cause an environment where the “bad” bugs thrive, some outside sources may still give your gut a fighting chance.
  4. Give your liver and kidney a vacation for a few days.  All of the sugar from the desserts, candy, and alcohol are like a punch to your liver. Following a constant influx of the hard stuff, your liver is severely taxed, and this essential organ can be overloaded. In addition, your kidneys are also working hard to remove wastes, balance electrolytes, and keep your fluid balance in check.  Once your body is not able to identify these unnatural foods and drinks, it is then turned into waste. The waste is sent to your blood (which of course circulates throughout the body), and the kidneys have the huge undertaking of removing these waste materials.  If the body is always full of terrible stuff, the kidneys are overworked, and cannot efficiently remove waste from the blood. Therefore toxins build up and continue to cause damage throughout your body. Basically, if bad stuff keeps coming in, your body will continue to lessen its ability to get it out…and you can imagine how you are going to feel.
  5. How to fix it?  As terrifying as this all sounds, when I push for people to live a healthy lifestyle, I would never suggest taking away from holidays and things you love.  Live life, and enjoy these moments! They are filled with happiness and so many memories. However, I do highly suggest you think about how hard your body is working, therefore do everything you can to take care of it.  Indulgences happen, but days were not meant to be filled with them.  Eat your cookie, and move on.  Fill the rest of the day with taking care of yourself so you can FEEL good. Believe me, when you see how amazing you feel living a life full of energy, those days or hours filled with instant gratification will be quickly followed with trying to get back to living a healthy life.
  6. My favorite products for detox. I would never suggest products that I don’t personally use. I can attest that I use these two products every singe day, and I cannot speak more highly of them. The first is Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.  Apple cider vinegar is known to be antimicrobial, which helps break down bad bacteria, and aids with keeping a balanced digestive system.  It has also been discovered to prevent blood sugar spikes and interferes with carbohydrate absorption, therefore frequently studied and utilized in the diabetic population.  Additionally, it has been found to aide in the removal and flushing of toxins, and has links to decreasing inflammation, especially in arthritic patients. My suggestion is to start slow to get used to the taste. My husband and I have been drinking it daily for 5 years, and in the beginning, it was hard to get used to. But stick to it, I promise it will get better! I make it every night before bed (so it is cold, and I have no excuse not to do it since it is waiting for me). I mix 2-3 teaspoons with 1 tablespoon of Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate (full of antioxidants, an anti-inflammatory, links to reducing heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and gout).  Then I fill the glass with water, and chill in the refrigerator overnight.  I drink it throughout the day with meals.  The second product is Republic of Tea’s detox tea “Get Clean.” It claims to stimulate the liver, therefore assisting in the removal of toxins, and “gets things flowing.” There are also ingredients to encourage healthy digestion, and helps keeps the kidneys flushed. The tea also contains Indian sarsaparilla and red clover, which are known to be purifiers and tonics.  With the added vanilla and almond flavors, it really tastes great. I drink a cup every night before bed (sometimes two cups if I have had a little too much that day).  With fair warning, this is an herbal tea, therefore do not drink before speaking with your healthcare provider, especially if you are pregnant or lactating.

Please, enjoy these special moments. These holidays should be full of happiness, love, and all of the indulgences that come with it. Remember, happiness is a HUGE part of health. Do not hold on to regrets or feel guilty, and don’t spend a single moment worrying about the choices you made.  However, spend the minutes, hours, days around these moments, with finding joy in taking care of your body, and therefore your health. Find a love of taking care of yourself by learning that the sugar and alcohol “high” is so short and will never last.  But if you find a “high” off of healthy living, that will never end.

Strong heart. Strong mind. Strong body.


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