Oh great…another “know it all” with a blog…

I know what you are thinking…another blog. What does this girl know that hasn’t been posted a million times before?  You are right! What do I know?!? I have a love of health.  I don’t push theories and opinions. As a nurse, I have a science mind. I love how the body works, and when it does what is should, it is amazing! If you have a cut, a cold, or you are just hurting from lack of sleep, things that are going on inside you are healing you and fighting for you.  For anyone who has had poor health, you know how much it has sucked. You felt helpless, and had no control.  As a nurse, I have seen medicine cure…but it is really your body who was fighting. Treat it like it will one day bring you back to life.

I have never dieted. I don’t weight myself…ever! I also don’t look in the mirror trying to find the “ugly.” I LIVE to love life.  I enjoy food. I like a cocktail here and there.  I focus on how I feel, and I love to feel healthy and happy. I want to show other people how I have changed my view of my body, and the world I live in. I focus on being strong…strong mind, strong heart, and a strong body.

Each week I want to share with you different ways I strive to better myself and my family.  No one has time or energy to incorporate a bunch of different things into their routine or diet.  If you have to plan and stress, you won’t keep it going.  I have found a way to simplify my routine, to focus on quality, instead of quantity.  I am not a perfect wife or mother, and I don’t have very much control of my day with two busy little ones.  I want to show you products and foods that I love, how I learned to love working out, and how I can let go of all of the negativity.

I have always been an active person.  One thing I haven’t had to work on, is the desire to exercise and stay fit. But I was not putting the right things in my body, and I wasn’t feeling the way I thought I should at a young age.  After years of being unreasonably fatigued, in a mental fog, and feeling my happiness was falling as much as my weight, I started trying to find answers. Every month I would come home from college for another visit to the doctor for scans, blood tests, and stool samples, and finally I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease at 21.  Then after getting married and suffering hormonal and menstrual problems, I was diagnosed with PCOS at 26. I was suddenly facing reproductive issues and infertility.  I felt as though my body was against me.  I was falling apart from the inside out.  At that point I started to gain weight, and I lost some interest in my health and my desire to exercise.  I felt lost.  But as time went on, with the assistance of doctors, I was able to get pregnant. I was going to be a mother, and I now was the luckiest person in the world. It was time to stop feeling sorry for myself.  And that began my journey to clean up my diet, my work out habits, my skin care and cleaning products, and the way I viewed the world. So I started caring about what was in products. I became passionate about learning how to use things in my environment to heal myself from the inside out.  I started buying natural, clean, and organic everything.  I loved going to health food stores, and learning everything about anything I could get my hands on. One of the things I love the most about being a nurse, is learning how the body works.  I now use this new knowledge to focus on filling my life with the things that allow it to do so. I believe in science and holistic health, and I am passionate about making every day count.

People often come to my house, and leave with some new ideas of how to make their lives better.  I love telling people about things I have discovered, and giving them a realistic view on how they can change.  I want others to get “high” on doing something good for themselves, and making each day a little better than the last. No one is perfect. No one goes to bed at night without feeling some self doubt and negativity. Therefore I am hoping that if people get anything out of reading my blog, it is that we are all in this together. We are all on a different journey.  Life is about learning from our mistakes, and trying to be better each and every day. Be kind. Be healthy. Be strong.

Strong mind. Strong heart. Strong Body.


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